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Country - Spain
Summary - The Purpose Of The Contract Is The Supply Of Four (4) Vans In The Form Of A Lease For A Period Of 4 Years, Extendable For One More Year, As Well As The Maintenance Service Of These Vehicles Under The Conditions Established In These Specifications. The Purpose Of The Contract Also Includes The Management And Mediation Of The Insurance Corresponding To These Vehicles, As Well As The Management Of The Necessary Procedures So That They Have The Permits And Documentation Necessary For Their Circulation. The Specifications Incorporate Environmental Characteristics Of The Vehicles In Order To Favor The Leasing Of Models That Have Lower Levels Of Emissions And Consumption.
Deadline - Jan 08, 2025
GT reference number - 98912533
Product classification - Motor vehicles
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98912533
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The purpose of the contract is the supply of four (4) vans in the form of a lease for a period of 4 years, extendable for one more year, as well as the maintenance service of these vehicles under the conditions established in these speci fications. The purpose of the contract also includes the management and mediation of the insurance corresponding to these vehicles, as well as the management of the necessary procedures so that they have the permits and documentation necessary for their circulation. The specifications incorporate environmental characteristics of the vehicles in order to favor the leasing of models that have lower levels of emissions and consumption.local title::
Gt Ref Id - 98912533
Deadline - Jan 08, 2025
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