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Country - United Kingdom
Summary - The Supply And Stock Management Of 1) Printed Stationery, 2) Medical Folders And Pre-Paid Envelopes
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 77843646
Product classification - Business forms
Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 77843646
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The Authority are seeking an established supplier to provideLot 1 design, print, stock, process requests, pack to individual ward/department and deliver to the Authority.Lot 2 (Pre-paid envelopes) design, print, stock, process requests, pack to indiv idual ward/department and deliver to the Authority.(Medical Folders) design, print, stock, process requests, and deliver to the Authority. The Authority are seeking an established supplier to provideLot 1 design, print, stock, process requests, pack to individual ward/department and deliver to the Authority.Lot 2A (Pre-paid envelopes) design, print, stock, process requests, pack to individual ward/department and deliver to the Authority.(Medical
Gt Ref Id - 77843646
Deadline - Mar 04, 2024
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