Description |
notice_title: Tissue culture plate and cover , Olive Oil , NaOH pellets 500g , Tween 20 1kg , Calcoflour white stain , PAS stain , GMS Stain kit , LPCB , India ink , Potassium Hydroxide 500 gms , Saboured dextrose , Potato dextrose agar 500gm , SDA with antibiotic , Corn meal agar , Czapek Dox agar , Chrome Candida , RPMI Broth , RPMI Agar , MOPS Buffer , Disc Caspofungin 5ug , Disc fluconazole 25ug , Disc Micafungin 10ug , Disc Posaconazole 5ug , Disc Voriconazole 1ug , Disc Itracanazole , Disc Griseofulvin , Disc Terbinafin , Fluconazole Estrip , Voriconazole Estrip , Itracanazole Estrip , Grisefulvin Estrip , Terbinafin Estrip , Itracanazole powder , Griseofulvin powder , Terbinafin powder , Fluconazole powder , Voriconazole powder , Serum galactomannan kit , Aspergilles IgE Elisa kit , Serum Beta D Glucan , Cryptococcus Latex Agglutination test kit , PCR Master mix , Ethidium Bromide , Taq Polymerase , 100bp DNA Ladder , 50 bp DNA Ladder , Nuclease free water moleculer biology grade 500 ml , SterileFilter tips 10 ul 96 No , Filter tips 20 ul , Filter tips 100 ul , Filter tips 200 ul , Filter tips 1000 ul , Cryobox 96 wells , Microcentrifuge tubes conical 1.5 ml , Microcentrifuge tubes conical 2 ml , PCR Tubes POINT 2ml , PCR strips with caps POINT 2ml , PCR Plates optical 96 wells , Low EEO Agarose 500g , Molecular grade , Molecular grade ethanol 500 ml , Chloroform 500ml , Isoamyl alcohol 500 ml , Proteinase K 20mg ml 1ml vial , Plate sealer 100pcs pack , 6x loading dye , TE BUFFER , Lint free tissue 250 to 300 pcs box , Rnase Dnase ZAP 500 ml , Sodium acetate 500g pack , EDTA Conc POINT 5M 100ml pack , PBS 10 500ml , Minicooler for PCR tubes , Minicooler for transport , Eppendorf tube stand 1 half to 2ml , Pcr tube POINT 2ml stand local title:: Tissue culture plate and cover , Olive Oil , NaOH pellets 500g , Tween 20 1kg , Calcoflour white stain , PAS stain , GMS Stain kit , LPCB , India ink , Potassium Hydroxide 500 gms , Saboured dextrose , Potato dextrose a |