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Country - Uzbekistan
Summary - To Provide Air Cargo Delivery Services To The Turakurgan Thermal Power Plant Branch
Deadline - Jan 04, 2025
GT reference number - 100482933
Product classification - Pipeline transport services
Address - Uzbekistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100482933
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: To provide air cargo delivery services to the Turakurgan Thermal Power Plant branchlocal title:: “To’raqo’rg’on IES” filialiga havo transportida yuklarni yetkazib berish bo’yicha transport xizmatlarini ko’rsatish uchunlocal description: : “To’raqo’rg’on IES” filialiga havo transportida yuklarni yetkazib berish bo’yicha transport xizmatlarini ko’rsatish uchunNet Budget LC: : 40262000.0 est_amount: 40262000.0 category: Услуги сухопутного и трубопроводного транспорта lot_details: 1: Dispatch service in the field of land transport
Gt Ref Id - 100482933
Deadline - Jan 04, 2025
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