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To Receive Food Products For Dmts (June)

Термиз шахар Халк таълими бyлими марказлашган Uzbekistan has Released a tender for To Receive Food Products For Dmts (June) in Food and Beverages. The tender was released on Feb 07, 2025.

Country - Uzbekistan

Summary - To Receive Food Products For Dmts (June)

Deadline - Feb 07, 2026

GT reference number - 102920209

Product classification - Food, beverages, tobacco and related products

Organization Details:

  Address - Uzbekistan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 102920209

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: To Receive Food Products For Dmts (June)local title:: DMTTlarga oziq ovqat maxsulotlarni olish uchun (iyun) lot_details: 1: Mol Go'Sti, 2: Sariyog ', 3: Sugar sand, 4: Ko‘k Choy, 5: Tomato paste, 6: New chicken egg, 7: To be, 8: The o il generated in alcohol cleaning, 9: Salt, 10: Bananas, 11: Raisins, 12: Dried fruits, 13: Cucumbers, 14: Tomatoes, 15: Power pepper seedery, 16: Caring, 17: Cheese for baby food, 18: Gu notaks, 19: Bug‘doy Uni, 20: Margin, 21: Agricultural poultry poultry for baby food, 22: Mosh Doni, 23: Meva povidlosi, 24: Tariq, 25: Beans, 26: Oatmeal, 27: Pasta, 28: Manny lit, 29: Pumpkin, 30: Rice, 31: The dry yeast to bread, 32: Pea, 33: Pea, 34: The dry

Gt Ref Id - 102920209

Deadline - Feb 07, 2026

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