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Country - Ukraine
Summary - Tools - Brushes, Rollers, Spatulas, Rules, Levels, Trowels, Chisels, Drills, Augers, Crowns, Paint Trays, Wrenches For Svp, Construction Staplers And Staples For Them, Mops, Brushes, Screwdrivers, Wrenches, Pliers, Round-Nose Pliers, Various Sets, Combs, Construction Pencils And Markers (Dk 021:2015:44510000-8 )
Deadline - Nov 22, 2025
GT reference number - 98164314
Product classification - Tools
Address - Ukraine
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98164314
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Tools - Brushes, Rollers, Spatulas, Rules, Levels, Trowels, Chisels, Drills, Augers, Crowns, Paint Trays, Wrenches For Svp, Construction Staplers And Staples For Them, Mops, Brushes, Screwdrivers, Wrenches, Pliers, Round-Nose Pliers, Va rious Sets, Combs, Construction Pencils And Markers (Dk 021:2015:44510000-8 )local title:: Знаряддя - пензлики, валики, шпателі, правила, рівні,макловиці, кельми, стамески, свердла, бури, коронки, лотки під фарбу, ключи для СВП, степлери будівельні та скоби для них, швабри, щітки, викрутки, г
Gt Ref Id - 98164314
Deadline - Nov 22, 2025
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