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Country - Spain
Summary - Transport And Treatment Of The Organic Fraction Of Household Waste From Separate Collection. File 2024/Scon-Asu/000018
Deadline - Oct 22, 2025
GT reference number - 97624140
Product classification - Refuse transport services
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97624140
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Transport and treatment of the organic fraction of household waste from the separate collection of organic matter (5th container) within the scope of the municipalities that make up the Pamplona Region Association. The successful tendere r will allocate all the material delivered to recycling, understanding this as the use of the recovered organic matter for the production of compost or digestate, with or without the production of biogas, and its use as an organic amendment, and will manage the rejects produced in the treatment process. The reject disposal facility is the landfill of the CTRU of Góngoralocal title:: Transporte y tratamiento de la fracción orgánica de los resid
Gt Ref Id - 97624140
Deadline - Oct 22, 2025
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