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Country - Slovenia
Summary - Transports Of Students In The Municipality Of Slovenj Gradec, School Year 2024/2025, No. 430-0016/2024
Deadline - Mar 25, 2025
GT reference number - 104747501
Product classification - Road transport services
Address - Slovenia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104747501
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Transports of students in the Municipality of Slovenj Gradec, school year 2024/2025, no. 430-0016/2024local title:: PREVOZI UČENCEV V MESTNI OBČINI SLOVENJ GRADEC, ŠOLSKO LETO 2024/2025, št. 430-0016/2024Contract Type: : Servicelocal description: : PREVOZI UČENCEV V MESTNI OBČINI SLOVENJ GRADEC, ŠOLSKO LETO 2024/2025, št. 430-0016/2024 lot_details: 1: Lot 1: Sele, Slovenj Gradec, Ravne na Cor., 2 vehicles min. 8+1, 4x4, 2: Lot 2: Sele, Vrhe, Slovenj Gradec, vehicle min. 16+1 persons, 3: Lot 3: Gradišče, Rahtel, Slovenj Gradec, vehicle min. 8+1, 4x4, 4: Lot 4: SV Ana, smoke, vehicle min. 8+1, 4x4, 5: Lot 5: Jedert, Gmajna, Pamče, Second Elementary School, Bus for 50 Pe
Gt Ref Id - 104747501
Deadline - Mar 25, 2025
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