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1 TENDER NOTICE NO. 01/2023-2024 Public Tender No. : NCRA:WF025:PUB465:2023 The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) , Pune (is a leading Centre for research in a wide range of areas in astronomy and astrophysics) a national Centre of TIFR, Mumbai which is under the aegis of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. 1. NCRA-TIFR, Pune, India invites sealed bids in two parts, Part– I: Techno-commercial Bid & Part – II: Price Bid for the following: Description of Work Bid Security Declaration towards EMD Water proofing treatment to Antenna Concrete Tower at GMRT Khodad, Near Narayangaon, Tal. Junnar, Dist. Pune 410504. Location of the work -C14, S3, E4, E3 Antennas of GMRT. Estimated Cost: ~ Rs. 32.92 Lakhs (including of GST). Type of Tender : Two Bid Bid Security Declaration as per our format (Form G) to be submitted on company’s letter head. Tender Fee : Rs. 590/- (including of GST). (Rupees Five Hundred Ninety Only by way of Demand Draft in favour of “TIFR” payable at Pune). Downloading of Tender From : 11.07.2023, 09.30 hrs. To : 31.07.2023, upto 18.00 hrs. Due date for Submission of bid 07.08.2023 upto 18.00 hrs. Opening of Techno Commercial Bid (Part I). (If sufficient bids are received). Date : 08.08.2023 Time : 15.30 hrs. Bidders after downloading the tender document are requested to please send an email to giving their Full address, contact details, email address. 2. Eligibility Criteria: Bidder must meet the eligibility criteria specified below and must submit documents in support of the same in the technical bid. a) Bidder should have been satisfactorily completed the Water proofing treatment type work in the last five years prior to this advertisement. b) Bidder may visit the site to know exact scope of work, site conditions etc. and must be fully confident of carrying out the work tendered. Bidder shall have to submit certificate of visit as per Form L. c) Bid must be valid for a minimum period of 120 (One Hundred Twenty Days) from the due date for submission of bid. 2 d) Bidder must submit Chartered Accountant’s Certificate showing their turnover and Profit & Net worth for the past Financial 5 years i.e. prior to 31.03.2022 i.e. for 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22. Do not enclose copies of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheets statement and IT returns. e) Bidder must have an average turnover of 30% of the estimated cost (Rs. 9.88 Lacs) for past three years. f) Successful bidder must be able to submit: - Performance Guarantee of 5% or as applicable as per Govt. Notification from time to time of total order value including all taxes, duties etc. within 21 days after receipt of our order valid till completion of defect liability period + 2 months. g) Bidders who have not accepted our order awarded to them or who have withdrawn from the tender process OR whose EMD/ Performance Guarantee has been forfeited by us in the past one year are not eligible to bid. 3. General Information about Bidding: a. Bidding document can be downloaded from our website by any interested bidder meeting the above eligibility criteria. b. Bidders after downloading the tender document are requested to please send an email to giving their Full address, contact details. c. The bids Part 1 – Techno-commercial Bid & Part II – Price Bid with all documents sought in eligibility criteria with charges in a sealed envelopes duly superscribed with tender no. & due date must reach Purchase Officer, NCRA-TIFR, Savitribai Phule Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007, India. I. Envelope 1 - (i) Company Profile. (ii) Schedule of Deviation from General Conditions and technical deviation. (iii) Bid Form. (iv) Details of GST. (v) Bid Security Declaration. II. Envelope 2 – Other documents relating to Technical bid. III. Envelope 3 – Price bid superscribe Tender No. All the above three envelopes Envelope 1, Envelope 2, Envelope 3 are to be put in Envelope 4 and to be submitted superscribing the tender No. and due date. The Techno Commercial bid will be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend on the specified date and time alongwith authority letter from their company. In the event of the date specified for bid receipt and opening being declared as a closed holiday for NCRA’s office, the due date for submission of bids and opening of bids will be the following working day at the same time. 3 Price bids will be opened at a later date which will be intimated to only technocommercially qualified bidders. d. RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS: NCRA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any reasons there for. NCRA also reserves right to reject bids during technical evaluation, based on past performance, experience or any other criteria. Price bid will be considered only for those bidders who qualifies technical evaluations. e. Bids must be accompanied by Bid Security Declaration towards Earnest Money Deposit and Demand Draft towards the Tender Fee specified above without fail. f. NCRA is not responsible for delay or loss of tender document / bids in transit. g. Bidders are requested to visit our website regularly to check for addendum /updates if any pertaining to this tender. h. The bid to be submitted within the due date and time in envelope and marked on top the Tender No., due Date in Bold Letters. i. Please see attached sheet for conditions of tender. PURCHASE OFFICER 4 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR RAD |