Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002
Country - United Kingdom
Summary - Website Consultancy Services
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 82543713
Product classification - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 82543713
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Dover District Council wishes to select and appoint a suitable Consultant to redesign their website’s navigation, functions and page templates to improve customer experience, achieve channel shift and create a fully transactional websi te, enabling customers to self-serve 24/7.The Contract is anticipated to commence July 24 and will continue for a period of 12 months (with any agreed extension/s) unless terminated in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract.Expression of Interest and ProcessExpressions of interest will only be accepted via the Kent Business Portal. In order to submit your interest in this opportunity please select the ‘Login and 'Express an Interest’
Gt Ref Id - 82543713
Deadline - Jul 24, 2024
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