10 Live Notices for Afghanistan furniture tenders
Showing 1 to 10
Provision of a Dell Precision 5570 laptop computer tripod
Invitation To Bid No.: Itb-Afg-Afc-018-2024-Supply And Delivery Of Wooden Bed Frames
Procurement for major repairs and purchase of necessary goods for the Ministry of Higher Education Guest House located in Qargha District
Purchase of furniture for the new building and the construction of flowerpots and fences
The project of preparation and provision of textbooks for the Faculty of Engineering (Department of Structure and Industry) of the Afghan International Islamic University:
Procurement Of Furniture For Piu
Provision for essential furniture
Procurement and provision of 5 (6) meter laboratory test benches and 12 (3) meter laboratory test benches
Public Notice Of The Decision To Award The Contract For The Procurement Of Furniture For The Laboratories Of Nangarhar, Kandahar, Balkh And Herat
procurement of 13 items of technology goods and furniture required by the Department of Control and Quality