15 Live Notices for Afghanistan roads and highways tenders
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Rfq For Construction Of Plum Concrete Surface Streets And Upgrading Of Footpath In District 9 Of Herat City (2 Lots) - Afghanistan
Rfq For Construction Of Plum Concrete Surface Streets And Protection Wall In Districts 5 Of Mazar-E-Sharif City (2 Lots) - Afghanistan
Provision for concrete the back road of the high-rise buildings of the Q project, Karte Nowshad project
Provision for concreting the road in front of the guest house of the Khost provincial government
Provision for the construction of Hazara Bagh-e-Edret Road from 315 to Munshi Mir Ghulam Town
Provision for the development of the Efrat Road from Darulaman Palace towards Gulbagh Bridge to Kabul-Logar Road in Chehel Dukhtar area
Provision for construction of the Nawa Village Road
Provision for Construction of Credit Canal Project from Wazir Akbar Khan and Child Health to Public Health Crossroads with Road Opposite Child Health
providing for concrete the back road of the high-rise buildings of the Q project, Karte Nowshad project in the 9th district
providing for the project of the development of the credit road from Dar al-Aman Palace to Golbagh bridge to Kabul Logar road in Chehl Dukhtar area
providing for Hazare Bagh road building project from 315 to Manshi Mirgholam settlement (1st lot
Provision of the pave and asphalt the roads of the 12 districts of the Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality
Provision of of Gravel throwing the roads of idistricts, including eight districts
Provision of major intersection named Martyr Al-Hajj Mohammad Dawood Muzammil on the Mazar-Shiberghan Highway
Procurement for Kabul Police Academy Lodge and Road Expansion Project