9 Live Notices for Angola telecommunications tenders
Showing 1 to 9
Provision of very small aperture terminal (VSAT) telecommunications services and ancillary services
Acquisition of Internet Services and Other Means, Communication Balances
Acquisition of Internet Services and Other Means, Communication Balances
Contratação De Um Agente De Verificação Independente Das Cbds (Firma Ou Ong)
Contratação De Uma Firma Para Elaboração De 2 Planos De Urbanização (Andulo E Camacupa)
Contratação De Uma Firma Para Elaboração De 2 Planos De Urbanização (Caala E Benguela)
Acquisition of communication recharges from the operator Unitel (internet and voice), Zap and Dstv for SIC, Penitentiary Service, SME and CSPCBombeiros
Acquisition of communication recharges from the operator Unitel (internet and voice), Zap and Dstv for SIC, Penitentiary Service, SME and CSPCBombeiros
Acquisition of communication recharges from the operator Unitel (internet and voice), Zap and Dstv for SIC, Penitentiary Service, SME and CSPCBombeiros