9 Live Notices for Austria tunnels tenders
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(Provia-Id 80793) Seekirchen Süd; Establishment Of A Stop; Civil Engineering Work
A12 Inn Valley Autobahn, Landecker Tunnel, Escape And Escape Routes, Stsg And General Renovation, Building Assurance And Monitoring
Renewal Tunnel Testing Systems On The B178 Loferer Straße In Achberg And Lärchbergtunnel
(Ava Id-Nr: 41688) Semmering Base Tunnel Neu / Baulos Sbt3.1 Tunnel Graubschenhof
S06 Semmering Expressway, General Renovation Tunnel Chain Semmering, Geotechnical - Geodetic Measurements (Gtm) And Tunnel Can
A02 South Autobahn Tunnel Chain Pack General Renovation Bus Equipment
(Provia-Id 126893) Amu212 – Southern Railway; Local Transport, Platform Extensions, Construction; Wiener Neustadt North Head, Explosive Ordnance Survey And Preparatory Work (Excavation Pit Protection)
A02 South Motorway, General Renovation Of Tunnel Chain Pack, Km 218,400 To 231,700, Both Rfb, Renovation Of Road And Objects In The Open Area, Construction Work
A02 South Autobahn, General Renovation Of The Pack Tunnel Chain, Km 218,400 To 231,700, Both Rfb, Renovation Of The Herzogberg, Kalcherkogel And Mitterberg Tunnels, Construction Work