28 Live Notices for Central America bridges tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Construction Of A Bridge Box, Repair Of The Paving Slab And Expansion Of The Drainage Channel In Front Of The Puma Gas Station
Construction Of A Vehicular Bridge In The Zapote De Occidente Community, Second Stage
Construction Of Mitigation Works On Bridge, Monimbo Neighborhood N° 2 Stage Ii
Contracting Of Studies, Design And Construction Of Rehabilitation And Reconstruction Works On Bridges Pu-Lote 6-1 2024Lpi-0019-Proeri-Conavi
Contracting Of Studies, Design And Construction Of Works On Pu Bridges - Lot 5-1 No. 2024Lpi-0024-Proeri-Conavi
Contracting Of Studies, Design And Construction Of Works On Pu Bridges - Lot 2-1
Improvement Of The Street Sector Of The Bridge Village Of San Juan Bosco, San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa
Improvement Of The Rural Road From The San Jose Buena Vista Village Bridge Towards Las Pilas Jutiapa Village, Jutiapa
Construction Of A Vehicular Bridge In The Village Of San Pedro Conguaco, Jutiapa
Contracting Of Studies, Design And Rehabilitation Of Works On Bridges Pu-Lote 2-3 N.º2024Lpi-0026-Proeri-Conavi
Construction Of A Vehicular Bridge At The Municipal Headquarters (Towards The Cap), San Juan Ixcoy, Huehuetenango.
Railway Works: Construction for the Reinforcement of 10 existing Bridges in the Province of Limón and complementary works (Beam type bridges: 6 and truss type bridges: 4; Package-8).
Railway Works: Construction for the Reinforcement and Rehabilitation of 12 Existing bridges in the Province of Limón and complementary works (type bridges beam:8 and truss type: 4; Package-7).
Railway Works: Construction for the Reinforcement and Rehabilitation of 15 Existing bridges in the Province of Limón and complementary works (type bridges beam: 12 and truss type: 3; Package-6)
Design of a pedestrian bridge and river protection works in Rio Jorco sectors San Esteban Rey, Casa de Campo Urbanization and Los Porosal
Construction of bridge-pipe passage and change of pipe for the ASADA Caracol and La Fortuna
Construction of HD ASADA Santa Teresita pipeline bridge-passage
Construction of a 60-meter pipeline bridge-passage HD ASADA Las Vueltas de Limoncito
Design and total reconstruction of a vehicular bridge over a ravine Roque, The Virgin of Sarapiquí
Design and construction of a one-lane vehicular bridge with passage semi-detached pedestrian street on the Bijagual river, San Ramón sector, La district Virgin