5 Live Notices for Central America railways tenders
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[Px] Undetermined Repair On Tractor Cooling System Plate: Sm-7475
Lpn-Fhis-42-2024, "Two (2) Motor Vehicles, 4X4 Traction, Pick Up Type, Double Cabin, For The "Infrastructure For Citizen Security" Program.
Railway Works: Construction for the Reinforcement of 10 existing Bridges in the Province of Limón and complementary works (Beam type bridges: 6 and truss type bridges: 4; Package-8).
Railway Works: Construction for the Reinforcement and Rehabilitation of 12 Existing bridges in the Province of Limón and complementary works (type bridges beam:8 and truss type: 4; Package-7).
Railway Works: Construction for the Reinforcement and Rehabilitation of 15 Existing bridges in the Province of Limón and complementary works (type bridges beam: 12 and truss type: 3; Package-6)