774 Live Notices for Eastern Africa information technology tenders
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Provision of Service and Maintenance of Photocopiers, Scanner and Printers
MRU-Supply, Install M2E Microplater Reader-CRC Lab Kericho
Supply of Toners/Cartridges/Inks and Ribbons
Maintenance & repair of copiers, printers and faxes
Provision of graphic design services for printed and online materials (banners, diaries, financial reports, brochures, Calendars, fliers, posters, booklets, e-cards, e-shots etc.)
Supply & delivery of calling cards/airtime
Supply & installation of digital PABX and telephone accessories
Supply & installation of structured cabling , LAN materials and equipment
Supply & delivery of various standard computer software and applications
Supply & delivery of printer toners, inks and ribbons
Supply & delivery of spares for computers, laptops, printers UPS’s servers and scanners
Supply & delivery of printers, UPS’s, Laptops, Desktop computers and scanners
Supply & delivery of spare parts for motor vehicles
Supply & delivery of spares and consumables for copiers and cartridges
Printing of corporate newsletter, Newspapers, special open magazines, printed stationery, calendars, diaries, cards, brochures, fliers, banners, Car stickers
Supply & delivery of continuous feed computer papers Special Group
Supply of Toners, Cartridges, Inks, and Ribbons
Provision of Project Management Tool
Supply, Installation and Configuration of Adobe Acrobat Pro for Rwanda Finance Limited.
Recruitment of a firm responsible for developing a manual of administrative and accounting procedures for CAMME