22 Live Notices for Egypt environment and pollution tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Ic To Provide Technical Support For Implementing The Biodiversity Finance Plan.
Ic To Provide Technical Support For Implementing The Biodiversity Finance Plan.
Provision of transporting and safely disposing of solid and liquid hazardous waste (together) from the sites of the Upper Egypt Electricity Production Company in Al-Karimat and Assiut to = Burial Centers Near Sites
Provide services to the 700-acre area in the free investment zone, including road and electricity works
Provide services to the 700-acre area in the free investment zone, drainage, water and civil protection works
Annual monitoring and winter counting program project for migratory and resident waterbirds
Procurement Of Waste Management Collection And Disposal Tool "Plastic Container"
Supply Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Equipment for Water Discharge Monitoring in Kitchener Drain and its Branches
Ceo Endorsement Document Preparation
Provision of Hazardous waste truck maintenance “Afco No. 7236 F.B.A” Hazardous Medical Waste Unit
Provision for Sewerage network extension process | In narrow streets with a width of less than 2.2 m | For Abu Al-Safa village - Abu Qurqas Center
Provision for sewage networks | Sanitary and home connections centers Bani Mazar - Matay - Samalut - Minya - Industrial Zone
Replacement and renovation of Abu Duqan sewage pumping station, Ibrahimia Center
Construction Of Sewer Networks, Pump Stations And Forcemains (Improved Water And Wastewater Services Programme 2 )
Predicting The Future Climate Change All Over Egypt
Predicting The Future Climate Change All Over Egypt
Provision of Garden care, irrigation network maintenance and weed control at Sphinx International Airport - A work history of at least one year in the past five years in the same field is required - and membership in the Egyptian Federation of Construction and Building Contractors, Fourth Specific Division
Egypt, Arab Republic Of - Middle East And North Africa- P172548- Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management And Climate Change Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Egypt, Arab Republic Of - Middle East And North Africa- P172548- Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management And Climate Change Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Egypt, Arab Republic Of - Middle East And North Africa- P172548- Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management And Climate Change Project - Procurement Plan (English)