17 Live Notices for Melanesia water and sanitation tenders
Showing 1 to 17
Supply of Cold (Freezer) Storage for Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways
Supply of Small Farm Machines for Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways
Construction of Flood Mitigation Dam/Weir at Qalinabulu River, Ba Catchment, MoAW
Supply of 3 Water Tank (200k L) to Niue
Permanent Repair & Reinstatement of 150mm Sewer Gravity Main
Lami Naboro Wastewater MP
Sigatoka Wastewater Pump Station Gantry Structure Replacement
Papua New Guinea - East Asia And Pacific- P155087- Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Supply, Installation and Construction of Banz Town Piped Water Supply and Water Treatment Facility in Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea
IW,AN, TN, Construction of Steel Reinforced Concrete Cross Drainage Structures (Culverts and Drifts) at Utche to Umetch road, Aneityum Island, Tafea Province
Papua New Guinea - East Asia And Pacific- P155087- Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Papua New Guinea - East Asia And Pacific- P155087- Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Solomon Islands - East Asia And Pacific- P165872- Urban Water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Pg-Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project -- P155087
Pg-Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project -- P155087
Pg-Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project -- P155087
Pg-Water Supply And Sanitation Development Project -- P155087