38 Live Notices for MENA banking and finance tenders
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Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Sarvabad City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Banch City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Divandarreh City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Bijar City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Qorveh City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Dehgolan City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Kamyaran City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Marivan City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Saqqez City Gas Department (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Gas Department of Region 2, Sanandaj City (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Providing technical, specialized, and support services to the Gas Department of Region 1. Sanandaj City (Performing all emergency and disaster relief services, repairs, financial administration, meter reading, subscribers, cleaning and water supply, gas supply)
Benchmark International Study Contribution OSC Public Services - Morocco
Provision for insurance policy for Kurdistan Cement Factory
Provision of Auditing public contracts of the Independent Agency for the Distribution of Water and Electricity in Taza
Call For External Audit Services
The Audit For The Realization Of The Program Of Cities Of Trades And Skills
The Accounting And Financial Audit Of The Fostp In Respect Of The 2023, 2024 And 2025 Exercises
Rfq26-2025 : Achat Mobilier Au Profit Du Ta
Operating an Insurance Agency
Operating a Car Rental Agency and Insurance Agency