8 Live Notices for Polynesia architecture tenders
Showing 1 to 8
Provision of Palace office wishes to engage a company for Landscaping Services for the Royal Residences.
Consultation for scoping study of the establishment of the Manufacturing Multi purpose facility.
Design and Supervision of New Airport Cargo Building at Faleolo International Airport
Road Safety Works For Tongatapu And Outer Islands (4 Lots)
Tc67/25 15Th Avenue To Welcome Bay Procurement Rfi
Rehabilitation Of Lano And Afega Water Crossings Including Contingencies- Lot 1: Malie-Afega (Upolu) Bridge & Lot 2: Lano (Savaii) Bridge
East Coast Road Slope Stabilization Including Contingencies (Lot 1: East Coast Road, Chainage 450 To Chainage 4320; Lot 2: East Coast Road, Chainage 6640 To Chainage 9325; Lot 3: East Coast Road, Chainage 10430 To Chainage 15595)
Qldc Tracks And Trails Maintenance Contract