6 Live Notices for Senegal laboratory equipment and services tenders
Showing 1 to 6
Accord A Long Terme Pour Les Prestations De Maintenance Des Neuf (9) Imprimantes Canon Unicef Senegal (Dakar Et Kolda)
Acquisition Of Mobile Speed Control Radars And Signaling Control Equipment, Road Grip Measurement And Road Equipment Asset Management Software In Two (02) Lots
Acquisition d'équipements et de consommables de laboratoires au profit de trois laboratoires de référence de la sous-région (LACOMEV/EISMV, LCV, Laboratoire de VOM)
Senegal - Western And Central Africa- P176620- Senegal Energy Access Scale Up Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Senegal - Western And Central Africa- P176620- Senegal Energy Access Scale Up Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Senegal - Western And Central Africa- P176620- Senegal Energy Access Scale Up Project - Procurement Plan (English)