63 Live Notices for Sri Lanka oil and gas tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Provision of Hiring 02 numbers of 12 Seater van with driver and fuel for Randenigala Power Station
Supply of Spare Parts for 1MW Perkins 4012 Series Diesel Engines at 02 Sites of 50x1MW Diesel Generators of Kelanitissa Power Station
Supply of HOSE FUEL 17528-Z5174
Fuel Feed Pump
Procurement Of Lubricant
Procurement Of Lubricant
Hiring of a Diesel Three-Wheeler for Nivithigala Water Supply Scheme
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Pneumatic Drill Set with drill and saw\nattachments, inclusive of following per\nset;\n1.Pneumatic operated hand piece,\nvariable speed\n2.Pneumatic double hose, 5m length\n3.Universal Jacobs chuck with key\n4.Intramedullary reaming adaptor AO\ncompatible.\n5.Oscillating saw full hand piece/\nAdaptor.\n6.DHS/DCS adaptor.\n7.Reciprocating saw hand piece/\nAdaptor.\n8.Quick coupling AO compatible.\n9 K-wire driver connection.\n10.Compatible blades in different sizes\ni.Rapid action saw blade. (length\n75mm, blade width 9mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\nii.Rapid action saw blade.(length\n90mm, blade width 13mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\niii.Rapid action saw blade.(length\n90mm, blade width 19mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\niv.Rapid action saw blade.(length\n100mm, blade width 19mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\n11.Lubricating Oil/Sterile Oil Cans for\nMotor Systems-06 Nos.\n12.Sterile Storage system for Motor\nSystems.\n13.Air Regulator.\nThe set shall be warrantied for 36\ncalendar months from the date of\nsupplied. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Drill Bit to fit AO Quick Coupling, 3.2mm\ndiameter, 250mm (approx.) total length\nand 220mm (approx.) usable length,\nstainless steel. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Cannulated Drill bit for 7.0mm etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : 1.0mm diameter Drill Wire, etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Intra Ocular Lens,Hydrophobic\nAcrylic,spherical, foldable\ntype,polished, multi piece lens,\nPower 15 D, Optic diameter\n6.0mm, Overall diameter\n13.0mm, PMMA Haptic angulation\n10 degree, Insertion size 3.0mm,\nUV blocking filtration, Capsular\nbag placement, YAG laser\ncompatible, sterile, accompanied\nwith compatible cartridge and\ninjectable system which should be\nprovided to the hospitals free of\ncharge. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Perfusion Tubing Connector, Y etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Power Drill Set, battery operated, with\ndrill and saw attachments, Designed for\ntrauma and Arthroplasty procedures\ninclusive of following per set;\n1.Battery hand piece, variable speed,\n2.Battery management system 100 - 240\nvolt with wire cord.\n3. Universal Jacobs chuck with key.\n4. Oscillating saw Adaptor/hand piece.\n5. Quick coupling AO compatible.\n6. Compatible batteries - 03 Nos.\n7. Lubricating Oil/Sterile Oil Cans for\nMotor Systems.-06 Nos.\nThe set shall be warranted for 36\ncalendar months from the date of\nsupplied. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Composition of one external fixator set\nfor single patient;\n1. Connecting rods (different lengths) -\n2\n2. Stainless steel self-drilling self-taping\nSchanz screws - 8\n3. Schanz screw to rod connectors - 8\n4. Rod to rod connectors -2\n5. Specialized multi-pin clamp -1\nCompatible with instrument set of SR\nNo: 21209101) etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : 34mm, Cannulated Screw, 4.0mm\ndiameter, self - drilling, short thread\n(approx. 1/3 of total length), 2.6mm\ndiameter shaft, 34mm length, made of\nimplant quality stainless steel, unsterile. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : 65mm, Cannulated Screw, 6.5mm\ndiameter, self - drilling, 16mm thread\nlength,4.8mm diameter shaft, 65mm\nlength, made of implant quality stainless\nsteel, unsterile. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Adult HF/HDF/SCUF kit: tubing and\naccessories set, including filter,\ncompatible with "HF 440" (Infomed)\nCRRT machine. etc .
Supply of Idlers for Fuel Handling System
Supply of Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1 for Karandeniya Unit roads and Emergency work