925 Live Notices for Sri Lanka pharmaceuticals tenders
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Dhs/P/Ww/32/26 - 300,000 Tablets Of Morphine Tablet 30Mg
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Sevelamer Hydrochloride Tablet 800mg\nSevelamer hydrochloride tablet 800mg\nEach coated tablet to contain 800 mg of sevelamer\nhydrochloride\nNote: 01.The shelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Oxytocin Injection 5 I,U,/1ml Ampoule\nOxytocin Injection BP/USP, 5IU/1ml.\nEach 1ml ampoule to contain 5IU of synthetic\nOxytocin BP/USP in water for injecion BP/USP for\nsubcutaneous, intramuscular, slow intravenous\ninjection and intravenous infusion.\nNote:\n1.This injection should be stable for a minimum of 24\nmonths when stored with in the temperature range of\n2'C - 15'C. Do not freeze.\n2.Each ampoule should be pre-filed.\n3.Each ampoule should be labelled accordingly\nPacking : 10 Ampoules in a Box etc .
Dhs/P/Ww/32/26 - 300,000 Tablets Of Morphine Tablet 30Mg
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Pulmonary Angiography Catheter, etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Scissors Vascular, Potts -De Martel type\nor similar, 25 degrees angled, 185mm\nlength, stainless steel.(for cardiothoracic\nsurgery) etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Ureteric Catheter with metal Stilette, 2\nlateral eyes, for drainage and\ninvestigation, made from medical grade\nPVC/Polyurethane, radio - opaque,\ngratuated clearly in 1cm intervals, size\n3FG, length 70cm (approx.), sterile. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Instrument Set, for Hemiarthoplasty\nsystem, Austin Moore type or similar, in\nsterilizing tray. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Instrument Set for Flexible Nailing\nSystem, for paediatric, titanium, in\nsterilizing tray, with 100 nails of\ndifferent sizes. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Pneumatic Drill Set with drill and saw\nattachments, inclusive of following per\nset;\n1.Pneumatic operated hand piece,\nvariable speed\n2.Pneumatic double hose, 5m length\n3.Universal Jacobs chuck with key\n4.Intramedullary reaming adaptor AO\ncompatible.\n5.Oscillating saw full hand piece/\nAdaptor.\n6.DHS/DCS adaptor.\n7.Reciprocating saw hand piece/\nAdaptor.\n8.Quick coupling AO compatible.\n9 K-wire driver connection.\n10.Compatible blades in different sizes\ni.Rapid action saw blade. (length\n75mm, blade width 9mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\nii.Rapid action saw blade.(length\n90mm, blade width 13mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\niii.Rapid action saw blade.(length\n90mm, blade width 19mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\niv.Rapid action saw blade.(length\n100mm, blade width 19mm, thickness\n1.27mm)-03Nos.\n11.Lubricating Oil/Sterile Oil Cans for\nMotor Systems-06 Nos.\n12.Sterile Storage system for Motor\nSystems.\n13.Air Regulator.\nThe set shall be warrantied for 36\ncalendar months from the date of\nsupplied. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Drill Bit to fit AO Quick Coupling, 3.2mm\ndiameter, 250mm (approx.) total length\nand 220mm (approx.) usable length,\nstainless steel. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Implants for Revision Knee\nSystem,(with 5 - 7 years shelf life),on\nper patient basis. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Biliary Drainage Set, complete set etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Volume Controlled Intravenous etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Steel Dental Burs Round Plain Cut,\nISO size 012, shank length 20-\n22mm, for Contra Angle hand\npiece, made of high-grade steel\nwith nickel-plated shanks. etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : 32mm Cortical Bone Screw, ,self etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : 20mm Cortical Bone Screw,self etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Clamp Intestinal Payr, lever action, etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Cannulated Drill bit for 7.0mm etc .