15 Live Notices for Sri Lanka software tenders
Showing 1 to 15
Supply of Desktop GIS Software, And Data Mapping for Colombo City Branch
services and spares to establish framework agreements for a period of three years
To Contract A Local Institute To Conduct Country Assessment On Selected Environmental Hazards And Risk Factors, Including Exposure To Lead, And Their Impact On Children In Sri Lanka As Per The Tor
Provision of Outsourcing Security Operations Centre (SOC)
Provision of Cash Management System (CMS)
Supply of 06 Nos. Tyre 475/80 R 20 XML (Radial Steel Code) Michelin Brand
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Power Drill Set, battery operated, with\ndrill and saw attachments, Designed for\ntrauma and Arthroplasty procedures\ninclusive of following per set;\n1.Battery hand piece, variable speed,\n2.Battery management system 100 - 240\nvolt with wire cord.\n3. Universal Jacobs chuck with key.\n4. Oscillating saw Adaptor/hand piece.\n5. Quick coupling AO compatible.\n6. Compatible batteries - 03 Nos.\n7. Lubricating Oil/Sterile Oil Cans for\nMotor Systems.-06 Nos.\nThe set shall be warranted for 36\ncalendar months from the date of\nsupplied. etc .
Supply of Visa Near Field Communication (NFC) Enabled Dual Interface (DI) Debit Cards
Senior Consultant (Information And Technology Management Specialist) Of The E-Gp Secretariat
Supply of Civil Structural Analysis Software
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Phenotyping solid-phase immunoassay for\nanti-HLA Class I antibody screening {Analyte-\nspecific Reagent (ASR)}compatible with\nLuminex xMAP microbead technology-based\nFLEXMAP-3D compact flow cytometry\nplatform, together with comprehensive\naccessories (if applicable), software, technical\nassistance, capacity building & application\nsupport. [refer to special order conditions for\nprioritizing and/or selecting primary\n/predominant workflow; solution offering\nobjective & best quality evidence for clinical\n/technical impact and/or effect of assay\ngamut, sensitivity, specificity, comparative\nvariability, best demonstrating native\nreactivity, lowest interference, best quality\ncontrol parameters, particularly when\ncompared to superior /comparative\ntechnologies together with most intuitive\n/capable software & best technical support\nsolution to be selected as the predominant\n/primary solution]\nPacking : 100 Reactions etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : rSSOP-PCR tissue genotyping assay for HLA-A\ngene loci characterization {Analyte-specific\nReagent (ASR)}compatible with Luminex\ncorporation xMAP microbead technology-\nbased FLEXMAP 3D compact flow cytometry\nplatform, together with comprehensive\naccessories (if applicable), software, technical\nassistance, capacity building & application\nsupport. [solution with objective & best\nquality evidence for granting clinical /technical\nadvantage, highest resolution (shortest allele-\nstrings being able to resolve most prevalent etc .
Provision of Geo Field Data Collection for Geo Assist of Low Voltage (400V/230V) Network
Provision of GPS/GIS Field Data Collection of Medium Voltage (33Kv/11Kv) Network