135 Live Notices for West Africa construction materials tenders
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Dao-002-Faoml-2025 La Founiture De Kits De Jardins En Sac Et Outils Agricoles
Rfq Biens Et Services - Fourniture Et Livraison De Biens Pour La Construction D'Une Fontaine Municipale A Sebkha, Nouakchott
Invitation To A Restricted Consultation For Supplies In 4 Lots.
Supply of Miscellaneous supplies (for repairing toilets, doors and lighting).
Supply of building materials
PROVISION OF Construction of drainage from Gidan councilor to Challenge School junction yamadawa.& Construction Boundary wall propose Rabi’u Kwankwaso Special Proimary School Unguwar Jakada Dorayi Ward.& Re-construction of Drainage Slab, interlocking Tiles Laterite at Layin baban Kasuwa.
PROVISION OF Renovation of Drainage Slabs and Laterite filling at Makarantar Malam Zakari Waika Kabuga Ward.& Construction of 186ml 600ml ring Drainage Slabs and Interlock Floor tiles at Layin Babban Baki Dandago Ward.& Re-construction of 2 No. Culvert Drainage, Slabs and Laterite Filling at Jumbulo Link 4 to Forestry main Road Dorayi Ward (560ml). General Renovation of Local Government Secretariat.& Construction of drainage from gonar yanwafa to Gidan UBA Safiyanu yamadawa.
PROVISION OF Renovation of Drainage and Slabs from Kofar Godan mai Unguwa Mandawari to Alh. Hassan mai Motoci Mandawri Ward.& Renovation of Drainage and Slabs and Interlocking Tiles at Layin ‘Yan Gana Dandago.&Rehabilitation of Drainage, Slabs and Interlocking Tiles at Lokon iya Dandago.& Renovation of Drainage Slabs, Interlocking Tiles at Layin Tsohon Gidan Alh. Ali Mai Tangaran Dandago.& Re-construction of Temporary shade and renovation of 5 Daily Prayer Mosque at Magashi.
PROVISION OF Water work at Ja’en Dorayi Ward.&Procurement of Office Furniture’s at Dorayi Police Station.& Re-construction of 350ml Drainage Slabs and Laterine filling at Yamadawa Opposite BUK Boundary wall Dorayi Ward.& Construction of Interlocking tiles and Pedestrian crossing Slabs at layin Asibiti, Layin Barau to Layin Magangara Magashi.& Construction of Islamiyya School at Nana Aisha Bint Abubakar Mosque je’en Yamma Dorayi
PROVISION OF Re-construction of Drainage and pedestrian Slabs at Layin Aminu Gwangwazo Kabuga Ward.&Construction of Interlocking tiles at Kantudu Diso Ward.&Re-construction of Drainage and Interlocking Tiles at Layin Mal. Naziri Goron Dutse Ward. Completion of Mandawari Special Primary School near Mandawari Police Station.& Re-construction of Mandawari Police Station.
PROVISION OF Construction of 300 re-enforcement concrete Drainage and Slab at Sabon Gida Ja’en Dorayi.& Construction of Interlocking tiles and renovation existing Drainage at Madawari Lokon Kango to Gidan mai Uguwa.&Construction of 4 seater Toilet 3 No. at Goron Dutse Prison Service.7Construction of Interlocking tiles and renovation of 3 domestic Blocs at Goron Dutse Prison Service& Re-construction of re-enforce concrete Drainage Laterite Filling at Sani Mainagge
PROVISION OF Construction of Interlocking tiles and renovation of existing drainage at Dandago Gawo to Kango.& Construction of Interlocking tiles at Garka to Lokon Alh. Mu’azu Goron Dutse.&Re-construction of existing Drainage and Construction of Interlocking Tiles at surrounding of Zauren Malam Aminu Sadawa Gyarany.&Construction of 165 metres length reinforcement Concrete Drainage and 44LM pedestrian Slab at Kofar Na’isa Gwale.& Construction of Interlocking tiles at Lokon Dan Buraza, Kofar Gindan Alh. Kaftin Danbashari.
Wood and metal joinery work
repair of gates and access doors to the ONI production room (order contract)
Announcement Of Technical Exchange Of Limestone Powder.
Achat De Materiels De Peche Pour N'Guigmi
Itb-050/24: Construction Of 360M Canopy Walkway At Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary
Itb-050/24: Construction Of 360M Canopy Walkway At Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary
Provision of the construction of social housing in the Glo-Djigbé industrial zone
Fourniture Et Livraison De Kits D’ Élevage Et De Maraichage