27 Live Notices for West Africa minerals and mining tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Monitoring and control of the rehabilitation work of three classrooms + office + store at the Mogtédo AB school and at the Mogtédo V2 school for the benefit of the municipality of Mogtédo at 1,500,000 CFA francs including tax; municipal budget/Mining Fund for a completion period of 90 days
Monitoring and control of construction work on 3 classrooms + office + store and 1 block of latrines with 4 posts in Mogtédo V5 for the benefit of the municipality of Mogtédo at 1,650,000 CFA francs including tax municipal budget/Mining Fund
Procurement for water drilling
Provision of Catering service for the benefit of the Burkina Mines and Geology Office (BUMIGEB) in three (03) lots.
Drilling of Potable Water Wells at Westminister, W.B.D, Region No.3, Friendship, & Melanie Damishana, E.C.D and Shelterbelt, Georgetown, Region No.4
Drilling of Potable Water Wells at Yarrowkabra, Samsville and Adventure, Soesdyke-Linden Highway, Region No. 4
Drilling of Potable Water Wells at Yakasari, No. 69 & No. 56 Village and Johanna, Berbice, Region No. 6.
Call For Expression Of Interest For The Creation Of A Database Of Suppliers And Service Providers For Byrnecut Burkina Faso (Subcontracting Company In Underground Mining Operation)
National Call For Tenders For The Supply Market To Equip The Digital Training Center (Cfn) Of The Higher Institute Of Mines And Geology Of Boke (Ismgb) In A Single Lot .
Burkina Faso - Western And Central Africa- P169267- Support To Land And Mining Management Strengthening Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Procurement Of Multivitamins And Minerals
Ghana - Western And Central Africa- P171933- Ghana Landscape Restoration And Small-Scale Mining Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Guinea - Western And Central Africa- P168613- Guinea Natural Resources, Mining And Environmental Management Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Mauritania - Western And Central Africa- P179383- Development Of Energy Resources And Mining Sector Support Phase 1 Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Guinea - Western And Central Africa- P168613- Guinea Natural Resources, Mining And Environmental Management Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Guinea - Western And Central Africa- P168613- Guinea Natural Resources, Mining And Environmental Management Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Vitamins And Minerals Tablets
Burkina Faso - Western And Central Africa- P169267- Support To Land And Mining Management Strengthening Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Guinea - Western And Central Africa- P168613- Guinea Natural Resources, Mining And Environmental Management Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Burkina Faso - Western And Central Africa- P169267- Support To Land And Mining Management Strengthening Project - Procurement Plan (English)