44 Live Notices for North America Helicopters Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Panel, Structural, Ai
Sole Source – Helmet Display Tracking System (Hdts) Kits For The Mh-60 Helicopters
Valve, Fuel System | 40A | Helicopter, Uh-60 Series
Nsn 1660-01-120-7461, Cabin Air Manifold, Wdsc: 05A, Helicopter, Chinook, Ch-47
Rfi-Helicopter Transportation Support Services
Oem Boeing Company Ch-47 Chinook Helicopter Weapon System, Sole Source Long Term Contract
Request For Information (Rfi) For The Repair Of The Tacan Receiver-Transmitter Applicable To The Th-1H Helicopter
5995-011164246; 05A Helicopter, Chinook, Ch-47; 17N Aircraft, Hawkeye E-2C; B4N Advance Hawk Eye; Bpn Aircraft, C-2A (Reprocured); C2N Mh60S Helicopter-Mh-60S – Fms; Een E2/C2 All Series; Yln Helicopter, Seahawk, H-60
1 Month 22 Day(S) 14 Hour(S) 57 Minute(S) 11 Second(S)
Synopsis, Pre-Solicitation: Nsn For Ch-47 Chinook Helicopter Weapon System, Sole Source, Long Term Contract, Oem The Boeing Company
Nom: Track, Sliding Door; Wsdc: Yln/ End Item: Helicopter, Seahawk, H60; Pr:7007629169; Nsn: 5340-015936442; P/N: 70217-02702-554
5995-013271532; 40A Helicopter, Uh-60A, Uh-60L, 44N Lamps Mark Iii, Sh-60B Helicop, C2N Mh60S Helicopter-Mh-60S-Fms; C3N Mh60R Helicopter-Mh-60R
Helicopter Maintenance For Aircraft Operating In Tennessee, Kentucky, And Missouri
1 Month 16 Day(S) 13 Hour(S) 33 Minute(S) 37 Second(S)
Npp - Torque Pressure Trandsucer - 3049260-03
1 Month 10 Day(S) 12 Hour(S) 49 Minute(S) 40 Second(S)
Ffp Type Ii Exclusive Use Helicopter
Dofaw-25-H1 Hawaii District Helicopter Transportation Services
Strut, Aircraft
66--Detector,Helicopter, In Repair/Modification Of