Latest Ukraine Healthcare and Medicine tenders. Discover new opportunities for Healthcare and Medicine tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Ukraine.
The Ukrainian healthcare market is worth $3.8 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% over the next five years.
The market is dominated by the public sector, which accounts for over 80% of healthcare spending.
The private sector is growing rapidly, driven by rising incomes and an aging population.
The most common medical devices used in Ukraine are syringes, needles, catheters, and bandages.
The most common pharmaceuticals used in Ukraine are antibiotics, painkillers, and cardiovascular drugs.
The Ukrainian government is the largest purchaser of healthcare goods and services in the country.
In 2021, the government spent $1.2 billion on healthcare procurement.
The government is committed to increasing transparency and efficiency in its procurement process.
The government is also working to attract more foreign investment into the healthcare sector.
The Ukrainian government procures a wide range of healthcare products and services, including:
Medical devices
Hospital equipment
Ambulance services
Laboratory services
Medical waste disposal
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is the main authority responsible for healthcare procurement.
The State Procurement Agency of Ukraine is responsible for conducting all government procurements, including those for healthcare.
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is responsible for investigating corruption in the procurement process.
The top winners of Ukraine's healthcare and medicine procurement tenders are mostly Ukrainian companies.
Some of the most notable winners include:
Bilis-Med: A supplier of medical devices and pharmaceuticals
Farmak: A manufacturer of pharmaceuticals
Medico-Service: A distributor of medical devices and pharmaceuticals
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