13 Live Notices for United States Microscopes Tenders
Showing 1 to 13
Microscope Preventative Maintenance
Sources Sought Notice For Copper See-Through Wafer For Sem-Based Overlay Metrology
6515--Garner Va Clinic-Ceiling Microscope
Notice Of Intent To Sole Source: Preventative Maintenance Service For Zeiss Confocal And Epifluorescence Microscopes
Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope Amendment 1
J066--646-25-1-046-0026 | Repair Nikon Sim Microscope Leme | Nco 4 Services 3 (Va-25-00026729)
Pao Surgical Microscope And Colposcope Pm & Repair Services
Support Plan For A Stellaris 8 Confocal Microscope (S/N 8300000444)
Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope
457675 - X-Ray Microscope Instrument (Xrm) Synopsis
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Instruments
Notice Of Intent To Sole Source: Preventative Maintenance Services For Nikon Csu-W1 Sora Spinning Disk Microscope
Bigfoot Collinear Multidimensional Spectrometer & Nessie Laser Scanning Microscope As Per (Attachment 1 Spec) (No Substitutes)