5 Live Notices for West Africa Horticultural Tenders
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Provision of Maintenance of green spaces at all CARFO sites
Provision of Garden maintenance
Travaux de réalisations des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau pour l’irrigation et la sécurisation de huit (08) périmètres horticoles dans les régions de Cacheu, Oio, Bafatá et Gabú / Work to construct water supply infrastructure for irrigation and security of eight (08) horticultural areas in the regions of Cacheu, Oio, Bafatá and Gabú
Construct 2No. Urban Parks With The Following Facilities;2000Sq.M As Car Park, Wire Mesh Fence For 2 No. Parks, Outside Kids Play Equipment, Lightening Of The Park, Planting Of Trees, Carpet Grass And Construction Of 1No. Fountain
Grass Cutting